Deaf Outreach Resources and American Sign Language DVDs (Christian)

American Bible Society
American Bible Society provides the hearing impaired with Scriptures in American Sign Language. The Scriptures in ASL is available in video and Bible stories in comic book format.

American Ministries to the Deaf (AMD)
American Ministries to the Deaf ministers to deaf and hearing-impaired individuals by: 1) sharing the gospel so the deaf can experience the healing message of God's Word, and; 2) providing opportunities for deaf people to grow and share in their faith in Christ, and fellowship with other deaf believers. AMD Ministries include video phone ministry, Bible Courses for deaf students, holding retreats for the deaf, supporting the School for the Deaf and Deaf Bible Church in Jamaica, and other short-term mission trips.

Baptist Church Planters
Baptist Church Planters has DVDs that ca be used in deaf ministries. Three of these DVDs are Why Church, So Great Salvation, and an ASL-interpreted workshop on marriage entitled Journey of a Lifetime 2.

Baptist International Missions, Inc. (BIMI)
BIMI Deaf Ministries lend a hand to those who have never heard about Jesus Christ by means of: Foreign Missions, Deaf Ministries in the United States, Bible Institutes, Christian Schools, Child Evangelism, Youth Work, Video Ministry, Camps, Literature, and Foreign Sign Language. BIMI has also established a Bible College in Ringgold, Georgia for the purpose of training deaf students to serve as deaf missionaries, pastors, and Christian leaders throughout the world.

Bill Rice Ranch
Bill Rice Ranch has a ministry to reach out to the deaf young and adult people with the Gospel. They conduct summer camps for the deaf adults and young people. They also have many materials for the deaf on their website.

Christian Answers Network
Captioned resources for the deaf are now available at View their catalog to see what movie you would like to watch. Orders can be made online, or you can call their office phone number.
If you put the words deaf or signing in the search engine, you will find many books, dvds and some downloads.

Deaf Ministries Connection
This website has Christian and secular deaf and closed captioned videos. Please take note that not all video ministries listed on the website are doctrinally sound.

Deaf Missions
Deaf Missions have Christian video resources that can be used for deaf children and adults.

Deaf Outreach Ministries
Deaf Outreach Ministries is a ministry for the deaf and hearing impaired. Visit their website for available resources.

Harris Communications is a one-stop resource of products for people with any level of hearing loss. Aside from devices, they also have Christian DVDs on sign language and improving interpreting skills.

Deaf Bible Media Network
DVC is an evangelical ministry to the deaf and hard-of-hearing. Their mission is to evangelize the deaf through clear Christian teaching, encourage spiritual growth in the deaf community, and provide resources for pastors and missionaries to the deaf. DVC produces Christian teaching materials, sermons, Bible studies, children's programs, and more. Most of the videos are in American Language and feature deaf pastors, missionaries, or lay leaders.

Focus on the Family
Focus on the Family has videos that are captioned or subtitled. These videos are great to use by the deaf and hearing-impaired.

Jesus Film - Sign Language Version in 14 Languages

The JESUS film is available in American Sign Language, Brazilian Sign Language, Colombian Sign Language, Costa Rican Sign Language, Japanese Sign Language, Jordanian Sign Language, Korean Sign Language, Mexican Sign Language, New Zealand Sign Language, Romanian Sign Language, Russian Sign Language, and Ukrainian Sign Language.

Joy of Signing, The
By Lottie L. Riekehof
The Joy of Signing is one of the most comprehensive guides available for mastering the current basic signs used to communicate with deaf people in either the word order of the English language or in the American Sign Language pattern. Over 1,500 signs are clearly illustrated and are grouped by chapter into their natural categories. It includes sections on the history of sign language and fingerspelling, the art of signing, language patterns of signs, and an illustrated guide for fingerspelling.

KTF Productions
KTF Productions is a non-profit Christian video production company that creates Christ-focused productions to reach those who have not know Him. Their videos, audio materials, and print materials are always aimed to glorify the Lord in ways that challenge, discipline, and shine the light of Jesus Christ. Their products are suitable for everybody including the deaf and hearing-impaired group.

Many Bible study lessons for deaf Christians are available at LifeWay. There are also books and videos for the deaf. Search for deaf items and products using their search engine. Type the word "deaf' or the title of the book or video you are looking for.

MennoMedia produces faith-based print, video, radio, and web materials with ideas for living out your faith for people everywhere from a Mennonite perspective. They have Christian videos that are closed captioned for the use of the deaf and hearing-impaired people.

NEST Entertainment
NEST Entertainment has animated Bible videos for children in English, Spanish, or open-captioned. Please put ASL in the search engine.

Reality Outreach Ministries
Reality Outreach Ministries has the Heaven's Gates and Hell's Flames videos in closed-caption and in ASL.

Silent Heart Ministries

Worship Songs in ASL (article with video)
"I love to worship. I could sense His presence every time I worship from my heart. A lot of people want to learn how to sign ASL in worship." (Read more about this article, click on the link above.)

Silent Word Ministries
Silent Word Ministries is a missionary, evangelistic outreach to deaf people, families, and churches. They create fundamental Bible materials that can be trusted. They have sign language videos, evangelistic videos, training manuals, and more.

Sword Deaf Ministries
Sword Deaf Ministries train deaf Christians to reach the deaf community for Christ. They have a video of Dr. Adams signing and preaching, and it is available for everyone. If you would like to have Dr. Adams in your church for a revival meeting, missionary conference, sign language class, preaching and singing with his hands, or a challenge to your people about starting a deaf ministry or a deaf church, contact them.

Two Little Hands
Bible Fun Digital is a multimedia collection of lessons, activities, and ideas for using everyday signs to share and learn the Bible. When using American Sign Language, Bible stories come to life and lessons are hidden away in the heart, ready for understanding and easy recollection later.

VeggieTales is the leading faith-based studio and producer of children's and family programming. A lot of the children's animated cartoons that features vegetables have captions or subtitles making it a great tool for deaf ministries.

Vision Video
Gateway Films has produced over a hundred Christian videos that are subtitled or captioned. These videos are great to use by the deaf and hearing-impaired.

World Mission Society
This website have information about the World Mission Society deaf ministry, sign language school, deaf missions, tracts for the deaf, sign language learning books and DVDs.

World Christian Video Directory


If you have any questions or need help finding a particular video, tract, book or any other Christian resource in any language of the world, please contact