The Story of Jesus for Children Dvd in 176 Languages - Also Watch Online

If you want the Jesus Film, Magdalena, or The Story of Jesus for Children Film, many times you need to order a custom dvd or a custom micro sd card. A few hundred languages are available on dvd, but most of the languages need to be ordered direct from The Jesus Film Project as a custom dvd or on a custom micro sd card.

The Jesus Film, Magdalena: Released From Shame, and The Story of Jesus for Children on on a Custom Dvd or Custom Micro SD Card in Many Languages

This website below will show some places to buy the Jesus Film.

Jesus Film Special Price

The children's version Of Jesus Film has been translated into 176 languages. The Jesus film has been adapted for ministry to children. Many people around the world that saw the Jesus film were, in fact, children. Sometimes a two-hour version was a bit much for them to sit through, and others were looking for something with maybe a little bit more explanation. Since the original film follows the Gospel of Luke, there's no explanation included.

The languages available for the Jesus for Children video are to be found at

The Jesus Film has been put in a form that is relevant to children. The audience included key leaders from children's ministries who aim to use the film to reach a "lost and abused generation in pain." Paul Eshleman, director of The Jesus Film Project, explained in an interview, "This new film is the story of Jesus taken from the original Jesus Film and told from the perspective of six children who lived during that time." When asked why he felt the film was so important, he replied, "Jesus made a point while He was on earth to show how much he cared for children. So it is very important for us to make a statement to the world that we are interested in the children, just as Jesus was."

The Story of Jesus for Children is a video/DVD which will give every child, both churched and unchurched, a chance to see and hear the gospel of Jesus in a way he/she can understand, in every possible language worldwide.

"The Story of Jesus for Children" provides a solution to the challenge of teaching children the truth about God and His Son Jesus. This video uses 40 minutes of the original "JESUS" film* and integrates into the drama 22 minutes of new footage with children who might have lived in A.D.30.

The video allows children to hear and see the whole story at once, answering questions in clear and concrete terms, and providing fast action. It ends with an invitation, by a child to children, to accept Christ into their lives. The dialogue of the original "JESUS" film was taken from the Gospel of Luke.

The child characters in the film hear the stories of the Man from Nazareth who heals the sick and raises the dead. They struggle to make sense of it all-some are from families who believe Jesus is the Son of God, others from families who do not. They watch Jesus from the crowds. They follow Him to see what this incredible man, who loves children, will do next. They see Him betrayed, wrongly accused, crucified, and buried. But they remember the promise of Jesus and believe they will see Him again.

At the conclusion of the film, the leading child character, Benjamin, reviews what he has learned and leads viewers to invite Jesus into their lives. The invitation, in the language of a child, sensitively offers an opportunity to say yes, no, or "wait a minute; I'm not ready to make this choice.

Children enjoy this captivating retelling of the true story of Jesus from a child's perspective. If you want to reach a child with the message of Jesus in a compelling, understandable, and exciting way, "The Story of Jesus for Children" is the tool you've been looking for!

This 62-minute video entertains, educates, and introduces children to the life of Jesus of Nazareth, giving them a chance to see and hear the whole story of Jesus at once! The video answers questions in clear and concrete terms, provides fast action, and ends with an invitation by a child to children, to choose to invite Jesus into their lives. Children of all ages will enjoy this captivating retelling of the true story of Jesus from a child's perspective.

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