Focus On The Family series (Lip Sync-22.000 yen including shipping), and Sex, Lies & The Truth (Subtitles-4.065 yen including shipping) (There is membership discount. Please ask us for more details.)
Life On The Edge, and That The World May Know Family Focus Japan opened its offices in 1995 and has widely distributed the Japanese version of the original Focus on the Family film series. They are also distributing the Japanese editions of the video Sex, Lies and the Truth and Dr. Dobson's bestselling books When God Doesn't Make Sense and Hide and Seek. Their newest releases include Vols. 1 and 2 of the Life on the Edge video series and the That the World May Know video series by Ray Vander Laan. The Japanese 90-second commentary began airing throughout the Nagano region in April 2000.
The reports of the showings of their videos on television in Russia, and personal showings in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan can be read at:
They have descriptions and reviews of many Christian videos on their web page.
Save 10-70% on the best in Christian & family-friendly videos, Christian software & books. When you get to the home page, please enter the name of the language you are interested in in the search engine.
Videos to reach Japanese. Info on the Japan Net web site. The JapanNet- Ministry site for those wanting resources to reach out to Japanese. Many videos appropriate for Japanese. Also have listing for Japanese films available through Grace International.
These videos below are available for rent from Grace International: Five dollars per rental plus postage.
Footage of her attempted suicide and conversion as a high school girl; also her joys/problems as a wife and mother, told by Yoneko herself. For ladies meetings or evangelism--person-to-person or groups.
Startling evidence showing ancient civilizations (Mayas, Incas, etc.) how advanced they were in medicine (even intricate brain surgery), math, engineering, etc. Yet moral decay caused inevitable collapse. They left God out!
Viewer flies in cockpit searching for a missing plane. Re-lives the agony of a W.W.II plane crash/Sahara Desert. Bottom line: for safe flying, instruments/indispensable. Challenge: God's Word "instrument" for successful living.
Joni shares her fascinating, dramatic story; her accident, frustrations, depth of despair, and ultimate victory. Excellent for both youth and adult alike.
You watch in amazement as you journey through the brain, trace rapid fire responses of the nervous system and footage from inside a beating heart. But most "distinctive" is our unique capacity to have a personal relationship with God.
Exciting life testimony & conversion story of Evangelist Koji Honda; includes Honda's brief message/how to become a Christian.
Worldwide Films production.The famous gripping story by Ayako Miura, a famous and respected Christian author in Japan, about a Japanese man who searches for meaning in life finding it in Christ-concluding in a powerful way.
Insights into the dynamic partnership of husband/wife as Mrs. Miura writes much-loved novels for God's glory. Very good for adults.
With Ayako Miura and her husband; especially good for older adults.
(Can be shown in two episodes). Gospel of Luke dramatized. Good for visiting Japanese students.
Two 30 min messages by Nobuji Horikoshi. Son of 14th generation Shinto priest. Especially good for students/ businessmen.
TV Interviews:James Irwin, astronaut; Kathy Baker, golfer.
Combines the ancient & modern; footage from HIS land, life of Christ, the crucifixion. Excellent.
Shows fascinating evidence of how His creatures respond to His laws without being taught.
Emphasizes authority/trustworthiness of the Scriptures using convincing illustrations of fulfilled OT prophecies. Chance?
Small boy tells Christmas story to his dog (animation) - 10 min. AND Birth of the A Savior, (15 min), Prophecies of & events of Jesus' birth. Limited to one day use during Christmas season.
Sonogram shows-not a blob of tissue - but an actual baby in the womb. Introduces a Christian hospital where tender, loving care is given in delivery of babies in crisis pregnancies. Encourages mothers to give birth, with the option of adoption if they're unable to care for the baby.
Japanese Christian Radio Station Online in Real Audio
Japanese videos are produced and well-known Christian videos from overseas are voiced-over and distributed. We also provide assistance to churches planning their own audio-visual outreach.
Please pray that the Audio-Visual Department may continue to reach out effectively to meet the needs of the small and struggling churches of Japan.
www.thejapannet.comGood web site for outreach resources for the Japanese people - Links for Japanese Outreach
Japan Net has these videos below to rent or buy:
* Full length (120 minutes);* "The Story of Jesus" audio cassette, 90 minutes, based on the voices from the new version, but with a narrator voice and radio style background music and sound effects. Really well done. ($4.50)* 90 minutes including 6 minutes of 3 Brazillian soccer players testimonies. The testimonies are in Portuguese and subtitled in Japanese, but the 84 minute short version is the edit from the new 2 hour in Japanese language.This comes with a soccer tract inside the video cover that is the three testimonies written out plus the 4 Spiritual Laws with soccer transitions. The cover is the same as the World Soccer version used for World Cup outreaches in other countries;
* Christmas version - 84 minutes-same as soccer without the testimony. This comes with a Christmas tract which is the 4 Spiritual Laws with Christmas intro and transitions
* Shiokari Pass (3.00 to rent; 45.00 to buy)
* Arthur Holland's (the "Billy Graham" of Japan) evangelistic message including testimonies by converted Japanese Mafia. Quite dynamic. (5.00)
Please visit my new Global Christian Video Directory at
It has a list of thousands of titles of Christian videos in over 1000 languages fo the world and where to buy them. This web site is an updated version of this site, the World Christian
Video Directory